Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year editorial on Japan from Japan

Came across a good editorial from the Daily Yomiuri newspaper, which sums up some key issues in Japan from 2011 and some challenges for 2012.  Here's the link (in English):

The Daily Yomiuri (@DailyYomiuri)
1/2/12 11:46 AM
The Yomiuri Shimbun's New Year editorial looks at the many issues Japan must confront in 2012. yomiuri.co.jp/dy/editorial/T…

It is important to discern, I think, the attitude the writer has toward Western countries, very honestly presented in the second paragraph, even if it is a little naive to think Japan is essentially, different, in my opinion.  That attitude is one that may or may not be a dominant one in Japan, but I think it is a revealing point of view which may be essentially the same but with a different flavor, or layer, from the zeitgeist of America and other Western countries.

And off we go into 2012!