Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bowling/Singing/Warrior PME!

It has been a while since I last posted on this site, mostly due to the fact that my professional life has been fairly consistent and not too exciting.  Plenty of stuff going on, though, just mostly with my family, so you are welcome to check out my family's blog if you like, link to it is on the right margin of this blog's homepage.

But just this past Friday the section I work in had a terrific event, well worth posting some pics and a quick video about, if only to embarrass the participants.  III MEF G-1 had themselves a motivated PME event, and our cameras were there, check it out:
The billboard for the event in my office this past week.  Commandant of the Marine Corps' reading list books and III MEF coins as prizes made it legit!

Emery Lanes on board Kadena Air Base.
Our private party room, so as to not be disturbed whilst we sing and bowl like crazy.
Our state-of-the-art karaoke machine, complete with scoring system.  Top bowling score multiplied by top karaoke song rating gave each contestant their total.
And the games begin...bowling and karaoke going simultaneously for about three hours.

Quick video clip below, the featuring the vocal stylings of Ed "Renaissance Man" Tomlinson.

The final scores of the participants.  Awesome competition.
Some of the hard chargers of the day, ready to come back and do it again some time soon!

Truly an awesome time living the good life on Okinawa with some outstanding Marines.  Next big event on the horizon, a trip to Tokyo over Labor Day for a small contingent of G-1 Marines; for most going, their first ever trip to Tokyo, so please check back in September at the latest!  Thanks.

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